Saturday, December 31, 2011

New Year's Resolutions

I'm big on goal setting and making plans to acheive goals.  So I made a plan for 2012 and how I'm going to become Self Relient. 

Here it is:
Acquiring Self Reliance Skills Plan of 2012
To Survive I Must Have Food and Water
Preparing Food
Cooking With Amenities (CW/A)
Goal: By June 30th, 2012 I will have learned to make:
20 complete dinners that I enjoy and would continue to make and that are nutritionally balanced.
6 dessert recipes
6 basic breakfasts
To achieve this goal I will:
Make 1 CW/A dinner per week
Make 1 CW/A dessert per month
Make 1 CW/A breakfast per month
Scan the grocery ads to find the most fiscally responsible ingredients.
Pick a recipe based on those ingredients
Go shopping for the food beforehand
Consult mom about nutritionally balancing the meal.
Consult the food plate.
Cooking Without Amenities (CW/OA)
Goal: By June 30, 2012 I will have learned to make:
20 complete dinners that I enjoy and would continue to make and that are nutritionally balanced that are made with only non-perishable food storage ingredients so that if I ever had to rely on food storage I could.
6 dessert recipes with only food storage ingredients
6 basic breakfasts with only food storage ingredients.
Of those 20 dinners, 10 of them must be able to be made without power. So I'd have to use a Dutch oven, volcano stove, or some other means of cooking without gas or electricity.
Of the 6 desserts, 3 must be no power recipes.
Of the 6 breakfasts, 3 must be no power recipes.
To achieve this goal I will:
Make 1 food storage dinner per week
Make 2 CW/OA dinner per month
Make 1 CW/A dessert per month
Every other month will be no power desserts
Make 1 CW/A breakfast per month
Every other month will be no power breakfasts
Talk to Sister Purcell about the cannery
Scan the grocery ads to find the most fiscally responsible ingredients.
Search online for food storage recipes
Pick a recipe based on those ingredients
Go shopping for the food beforehand
Consult mom about nutritionally balancing the meal.
Consult the food plate.
Acquiring Food
Buying Food
Goal: Pay as little for food as possible.
How I will achieve this goal:
Consult dad and make a master spreadsheet on food prices.
There will be the average price for each item, a good price, and a stock your shelves price.
Scan ads weekly and buy foods according to ads.
If there are sales at many different stores, take ads to Walmart to price match.
Make and keep an updated list of what food is in the house.
Organize food based on age and expiration so it doesn't go to waste.
Growing my own food
Goal: Grow my own fresh fruits and vegetables for the year of 2012
How I will achieve this goal:
Do gardening research
Research organic fertilizers that are not expensive
Continue composting
Give Michelle a compost bucket
Drill 3 more compost bins
Stir and wet down compost daily as needed
Dig up garden area to loosen dirt
Build a dirt sifter
Sift rocks out of dirt
Research the best things to grow in Vegas and decide what trees and bushes to buy from the nursery eventually
Start planting seeds in cups inside to develop sproutlings
Research the least expensive ways to do sproutlings
Research the least expensive things I'll need to buy to grow a garden in Vegas
Till the ground
Prepare for planting
Start planting?
Maintain garden?
Maintain garden?
Raising Animals
Goal: Discover what animals would be the most useful and least expensive
How I will achieve this goal:
Research cost of chicks, piglets, goat kids, fish, rabbits and horses and cost of housing, feeding, and maintaining them as well as what they would produce and what they would save me.
Storing Food
Goal: Learn the best ways to store food long term.
How I will achieve this goal: Research canning, milar bagging, and other ways of storing foods
Storing Water
Goal: Store enough water for six months.
How I will achieve this goal: Research water storage and buy a storage bin. Perhaps find something you can collect rain in, etc.
To Survive There Are Different Miscellaneous Things That Will Come In Handy
Goal: Acquire what is on this list:
100 hour candles
Hurricane lamps
Extra wicks
Extra lamp oil
Hand cranked lanterns
Hand cranked flashlights
Emphasis on LED
Glow sticks
Volcano stove
Dutch oven
Extra charcoal
Plastic bucket to store charcoal
Extra propane
Lighter fluid
Wind and waterproof matches
Gas can
Hand-operated can openers
Flat head screwdriver
Phillips screwdriver
Adjustable wrench
Utility knife
Ice pick
Ice scraper
Outdoor Tools
Sleeping bags
Space blankets
Disposable dishes
Way to purify water
Storage bags
Plastic bags of various sizes
Aluminum foil
Pet supplies
Cash with small bills
Health and Sanitation
Toilet paper
Maxi pads
Over the counter medications:
Antibiotic e.g. Neosporin
Anti nausea
Claritin D
Multi vitamin
Aloe Vera gel
Rubbing alcohol
1% cortisone cream
Small scissors
Safety pins
Disposable gloves
Cotton swabs
Elastic bandages
Hand cranked radio
Writing utensils
Pads of paper
Prepaid cell phone
Car charger
Distance walkie talkies
Extra batteries
Hand washing machine
Wash board
Laundry soap
Liquid dish soap
Important documents
Thumb drive of important stuff
Auto kit
Spare tire
Tire iron
Duct tape
Gallon of water
Hose clamps
Road flares
Ice scraper with brush
Air compressor
Windshield washer fluid
Engine coolant
Jumper cables
Fire extinguisher
Magnetic keyholder
Sack of kitty litter
Pry bar
Empty gas can
How I will achieve this goal:
I will look for items on sale, ask for them as holiday gifts, and buy them one by one. Items I don't know how to use, such as the autokit stuff I will acquire as I learn.
To Survive I Will Need to Learn How to Heal Myself and Others
Goal: I will graduate from Nursing School (I'm okay with the fact that I'm making a goal I've already completed. :)
Goal: I will become familiar with emergency medicine procedures
How I will attain this goal: I will study emergency medicine books once per week. I will make my way toward an emergency medicine job in my career
Goal: I will store emergency medical supplies
How I will attain this goal:
I will keep a first aid kit in my car.
I will store the items in the health supplies listed above.
To Survive I Will Need Shelter and Reliable Transportation
Keeping my Car in Good Working Order
Goal: I will learn how the engine works. I will learn how to fix any problems that arises
How I will achieve this goal: I will buy the Chilton book on my car and fix anything that needs fixing myself. I will look into taking an automotive course at CSN.
Repairing Things at Home
Goal: I will learn about keeping things in working order in my home
How I will achieve this goal: Anything that gets broken in the house, I will make every attempt to fix myself before having someone else fix it.
To Survive I Will Need To Be Able To Defend Myself
Physical Condition
Goal: By June 30, 2012 I will be able to run 5 miles straight, do 10 pushups, and do 100 sit-ups.
How I will achieve this goal: I will work out daily, or no less than 4 times per week, and keep track of my progress in my work out app on my phone.
Hand to Hand Combat
Goal: I will learn basic defensive moves to protect myself
How I will achieve this goal: I will practice daily the moves taught to me by dad or Chad.
Gun Use
Goal: By June 30, 2012 I will get a score of 96% or better on PQCs for each of my weapons and I will familiarize myself with my rifle.
How I will achieve this goal: I will go shooting with my father twice a month to practice and test my skills.

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